Saturday, June 13, 2020


It's not about USA Vs China now, it's much more than that. It's now a battle of Democracy Vs Communist Rule. The first Cold war between USA and USSR ended with the fall of USSR, it was the battle of capitalism Vs communism in which capitalism supposed to have won. Today capitalism has been replaced with Democracy. Do you know what is the biggest advantage under a communist rule which lacks under a democratic system of rule? STABILITY. Yes, stability is a major factor which gives a favourable advantage to a communist rule over a democratic rule. In a democracy, if a leader wants to take a big or major decision he can not always take it all by himself, he always needs to take the advice of another council of ministers and also he will always have to consider the consequences of the decision that how it's going to affect his voters and what responsibility he will have towards the country and its citizens and kind of criticism he will receive from his opposition party members while in a communist rule you don't have any opposition to criticize you neither you have any voters to whom you hold any responsibility so a major bold decision is easy to take in a communist rule in comparison to a democracy. In a communist rule, a Country can set and make their policies for the next 20-30 years while in a democracy system a party gets only a term of 5 years so they resist making long term plans and focus much on short term 5-year plans. In the 1980 People's Republic of China under the leadership of Li, Xiannian has decided to become the world's economic supply by the next 20-30 years and they have been extremely successful in it. How? The answer is Stability in their rule. They didn't face any pr

oblem in implementing their decisions. 

Now, what's happening today and how I am saying that 2nd cold war has already been started. Today, when the world is dealing with a virus, originated from Wuhan every country is seeking to take some big and bold steps but how many countries are actually implementing all their decisions fully? The answer to this question would be highly debatable but China is among those limited countries who are facing no problem in implementing any decision they want to take. The USA is among those countries who are failing in implementation of their decisions to counter China. The USA despite being a superpower isn't winning in any way over China also facing so many internal issues as well. Black live matters protest has become unbearable for the USA to control it. The USA is the most affected country from the Virus right now and they want to counter China very badly but unable to do any actual harm. Why? Because the system of democracy stopping them to counter China. China is taking benefit of protests arising worldwide after the Death of George Floyd in police brutality. Many sources claim that riots happening in the USA from the far left organisation are backed by China. 

So what happens in a War? People die, economies get shattered, people get jobless, growth stops and turns negative. Isn't all of this happening already? China despite spreading Wuhan Virus across all the world China is winning this Cold War with their stable communist rule over unstable Democratic ruling countries. In this Cold war, everyone is participating. Countries like India can't do it's non-alignment movement this time as we see China bullying India with their territorial disputes continuously. So this cold war is between Democratic nations and communist Rule in which China is winning at least till now. All the democratic countries need to get together to counter the dragon and its disastrous ambitions otherwise the day is not far when the communism will again take over the rule and people will again start getting killed like flies. 



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