Showing posts with label International politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International politics. Show all posts

Friday, June 19, 2020


The border tensions in Ladakh between India and China is turning worse after the recent confrontation between two militaries in the Galwan Valley. Both sides are assumed to suffer heavy casualties beyond what actually reported especially from the Chinese side. It was really surprising to the Indian side as the military talks were going on and both the sides had a

greed to go back 2.5 km from their current location but a planned attack on Indian troops by Chinese troops destroyed every kind of diplomacy on the border issue. The Chinese army is called the People's Liberation Army which is an army of their communist government and not a country. The kind of love and sympathy Indian soldiers receive in their country is missing in China. Chinese people don't like their army instead they hate them after what they did to their own people during the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989. People's Liberation Army is actually People's Lol Army in real terms who has no discipline, motive or war experience. Today I will talk about how People's Liberation Army is one of the weakest armies in the world with facts and proofs. 

Many Indians feel that India does not stand a single chance against China in a face to face War and the reason they give behind this argument is pretty clear to everyone which are like China has 4 times bigger defence budget than India, China has a technological advantage over India, China has a bigger army against India etc. Well, let me counter each of them one by one. Yes, China has a bigger defence budget but what we don't understand is China also has more area to protect as compared to India. India basically faces border issues with Pakistan in Kashmir and with China in Ladakh and Northeastern border. Rest of the Indian boundaries are surrounded from the sea and ocean while China on other side has a border dispute with most of its neighbouring countries like India, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Mongolia and especially in South China sea which is now becoming a major geopolitical location where the USA also increasing its involvement. When two country jumps into a war defence budget doesn't decide the results instead the will of the army decide it for example during the Indo-Pak war of 1965 Pakistan had a big technological advantage over India. Pakistan was using latest technological weapons, Aircraft and Tanks while India was using World war 2 vintage air crafts, tanks still India defeated Pakistan very badly. So defence budget does not define the results the will of the army define it. People's Liberation Army is bigger in comparison with India but 25% of PLA is unfit for war according to several reports. Due to China's one-child policy, the soldiers who join the army are mostly pampered kids and while fighting in a war they think of their Family more than their government as I already clarified PLA does not fight for their country, they fight for their government. PLA does not serve their country instead they serve a communist government. There are many stories of Chinese soldiers running away from the war zone to save their lives because they are not motivated with the spirit of nationalism instead they are motivated with their paycheck only nothing above that. PLA has no war experience as compared to India. India who is continuously fighting against terrorism and conducted several surgical strikes and ann airstrike also fought 3 wars with Pakistan while China hasn't been seen in any such Military activity since 1979 China Vietnam war which they lost badly. 

Now let me tell you about PLA's war story which explains that they are nothing less than a LOL army. In 1979 China decided to teach Vietnam a lesson and learned many lessons themselves. Also called as Battle of Cao Bang, the war started when China thought of interfering into two countries matter which was Cambodia and Vietnam and deployed their army of 600000 troops against 70000 Vietnamese soldiers and despite being heavily outnumbered the Vietnamese side destroyed Chinese army and within no time China decided to pull back their forces and withdrawn themselves from the war. There are reports which say that Chinese troops were not even trained to hold proper range firing and were totally fighting with mediocrity. Many of Chinese troops were running away from the war field and the funniest thing is that China announced themselves the winner of the war after withdrawing from the war as we know China never accept anything which goes against China like Wuhan Virus. The dragon needs to start using their heads before starting a war against India a also because at this point of time China has no allies while India has so many especially the quad group which includes USA, Japan and Australia. 

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Should India change its foreign policies now ?

"In politics, there are no permanent friends or enemies, only permanent interests" this is a very famous quote by Henry Kissinger which describes how political policies can get easily changed with the need of time. India is a country which has always been very rigid towards its foreign policies. We haven't seen any major changes since the time of independence. What India had decided at the time of independence is still getting followed by all the leaders who took over the rule from time to time till now. The biggest example of this is our Policies with the People's Republic of China, India is still taking all its treaties with China very seriously despite China violating them time to time starting from Indo-china war of 1962. In this article, I am going to explain why India needs to change its rigid and defensive Foreign policy to become little more aggressive. I am basically going to talk about our policies in relation with our 3 neighbouring nations that is Pakistan, China and Nepal. 

Pakistan has always been a headache to India especially with the issue of Kashmir and terrorism. The territorial dispute of Kashmir arrived at the time of Independence and it's still an unsolved dispute where Pakistan using terror as a source to hurt India's sovereignty. The dispute was not a big one at the time of independence but still, India's leader decided to take it to the United Nations. India is known for its defensive stance on all the matters rather than proactive stance which somewhat make other countries believe that it's India's weakness. India has won 3 wars with Pakistan since independence and still not be able to solve the Kashmir issue. Why? Because of India's defensive diplomatic policies. India always believed that they can solve the territorial dispute with Pakistan with talks and diplomacy through this kind of policy is changed after 2014 and especially in 2019 when Indian government revoked the special status of Jammu and Kashmir. Here are rigid foreign policy took a U-turn and it was certainly an aggressive step towards our foreign policy. 

China is a country which has its territorial dispute with almost all of its neighbouring countries such as India, Vietnam, Japan etc. India's policy towards China has always been a policy of Appeasement. Yes, it may sound very coward but that's how India always behaved to China. India never takes any interference in the internal matters of China whether it's related to Hong Kong, Taiwan or even Tibet. India didn't even criticize China when Tiananmen Square Massacre happened in 1989 but does China also reciprocate this behaviour? No. Even China is the only Country who favours Pakistan openly in the United Nations against India and always blocks permanent entry of India to the United Natio
ns security council. Today India and China troops are having a standoff in Ladakh for almost a month now but India didn't show any aggressive stance despite India trying to appease china with its several policies. India has a High Trade deficit with China which means China earns a big part of its income from India only and not doing any favour to us instead of supporting Pakistan in every possible way. India doesn't seem to change its policy either. 

Nepal and India have always been friendly countries. India and Nepal people are connected with open boundaries, same culture and religion. The current aggression from Nepal is a surprise to  India as Nepal never acted this aggressively that too for a border dispute. Current Nepalese Government which is a Communist Party of Nepal's government has shown its closeness to China more than forever now. China is always like a bully for India and now it is using Nepal too against India. Nepal Parliament is passing a new law which talks about Inclusion of Indian territories into Nepal. Nepal didn't even bother to solve this issue with diplomatic talks and directly started giving bold statements and now passing a new law affecting India's sovereignty. India never had any major tensions with Nepal but today they are showing its aggressive mode. As Commander in chief of Indian Army stated that Nepal is acting in the behest of someone else, this sums up why Nepal suddenly showing such a bold attitude towards its long term friend. India's policy with Nepal is very non-strict and a favourable as India consider Nepal as a Friendly country. 

All the 3 Neighbours of India are aggressive than ever before today despite world is struggling from the Wuhan Virus. India is among the topmost countries who are affected by the virus badly. India is still very defensive with its policies while the neighbours are changing its policies with the time. Why can't India openly criticize China's involvement in breaking the Democracy of Hong Kong? Why India can not openly support Tibet and Taiwan and consider them as a separate country? Why India is still taking Nepal lightly and not taking any action even economically? These are the questions which need to get answered by the Indian government. India should not let these neighbour take unfair advantage of India's patience and they need to see the aggressive side of India too.  

Saturday, June 13, 2020


It's not about USA Vs China now, it's much more than that. It's now a battle of Democracy Vs Communist Rule. The first Cold war between USA and USSR ended with the fall of USSR, it was the battle of capitalism Vs communism in which capitalism supposed to have won. Today capitalism has been replaced with Democracy. Do you know what is the biggest advantage under a communist rule which lacks under a democratic system of rule? STABILITY. Yes, stability is a major factor which gives a favourable advantage to a communist rule over a democratic rule. In a democracy, if a leader wants to take a big or major decision he can not always take it all by himself, he always needs to take the advice of another council of ministers and also he will always have to consider the consequences of the decision that how it's going to affect his voters and what responsibility he will have towards the country and its citizens and kind of criticism he will receive from his opposition party members while in a communist rule you don't have any opposition to criticize you neither you have any voters to whom you hold any responsibility so a major bold decision is easy to take in a communist rule in comparison to a democracy. In a communist rule, a Country can set and make their policies for the next 20-30 years while in a democracy system a party gets only a term of 5 years so they resist making long term plans and focus much on short term 5-year plans. In the 1980 People's Republic of China under the leadership of Li, Xiannian has decided to become the world's economic supply by the next 20-30 years and they have been extremely successful in it. How? The answer is Stability in their rule. They didn't face any pr

oblem in implementing their decisions. 

Now, what's happening today and how I am saying that 2nd cold war has already been started. Today, when the world is dealing with a virus, originated from Wuhan every country is seeking to take some big and bold steps but how many countries are actually implementing all their decisions fully? The answer to this question would be highly debatable but China is among those limited countries who are facing no problem in implementing any decision they want to take. The USA is among those countries who are failing in implementation of their decisions to counter China. The USA despite being a superpower isn't winning in any way over China also facing so many internal issues as well. Black live matters protest has become unbearable for the USA to control it. The USA is the most affected country from the Virus right now and they want to counter China very badly but unable to do any actual harm. Why? Because the system of democracy stopping them to counter China. China is taking benefit of protests arising worldwide after the Death of George Floyd in police brutality. Many sources claim that riots happening in the USA from the far left organisation are backed by China. 

So what happens in a War? People die, economies get shattered, people get jobless, growth stops and turns negative. Isn't all of this happening already? China despite spreading Wuhan Virus across all the world China is winning this Cold War with their stable communist rule over unstable Democratic ruling countries. In this Cold war, everyone is participating. Countries like India can't do it's non-alignment movement this time as we see China bullying India with their territorial disputes continuously. So this cold war is between Democratic nations and communist Rule in which China is winning at least till now. All the democratic countries need to get together to counter the dragon and its disastrous ambitions otherwise the day is not far when the communism will again take over the rule and people will again start getting killed like flies. 


The border tensions in Ladakh between India and China is turning worse after the recent confrontation between two militaries in the Galwan V...